The Social Side of School for Teachers

If you are preparing to become a teacher with the anticipation of leading a group of 20 or more students into the process of academic discovery, it is easy to let most of your concentration be focused on academics and on focusing your class on the work. You envision yourself in front of a big group of fascinated youngsters who are all about paying attention to what you have to say.

There is a fallacy in this image though and it lies in what will be actually going on in the minds of those students you will try to teach each day. The fundamental flaw in this assumption is that when you are looking out at a group of a couple dozen kids that their minds are only on you because the class is all about you and the topic at hand in your lesson plan. The truth is that the class is all about each other and the social side of any classroom setting can come to totally dominate the classroom time for the kids.

If you do not recognize or don’t know how to diagnose what is going on socially in your classroom, you are working at a distinct disadvantage. Kids are learning a lot at school and not all of it is what you have prepared for them to learn. The social setting in that classroom is teaching them all kinds of lessons that you have no control over. Moreover, some of those lessons may not be wholesome or socially acceptable concepts.

The society of children and teenagers can be amazingly brutal. Kids are far more harsh on each other than adults would ever imagine and the harm that can be done to the heart and soul of someone who gets singled out to be victimized can be lifelong and devastating. So it is to your advantage if you learn to recognize the signs of unhealthy social interaction and jump in and change that group behavior before it goes too far. This will take some keen powers of observation on your part, an ability to spot social exchanges happening even as you teach and the psychology to know what is going on.

The good news is that as the leader in the class room you can effect change in how the kids influence each other socially. Because you know that social skills are being learned all the time around you as you teach, you also have the opportunity to create activities and opportunities for discussion that can change that social behavior for the better. You can literally teach those kids to get along and to treat each other in a civil fashion and do so without alarming the kids or losing any teaching time that you need to complete your academic goals.

One great way to begin to move the kids toward positive social models is to move from the traditional “teacher talks to big class” approach to teaching to one that uses small group activity, teamwork and competition to not only make learning a lot more fun but to encourage good social development that will help the kids develop socially as well as academically.

You should not feel that by trying to teach the kids good social skills you are abandoning your core principals as an educator. If you can also teach the kids good social skills while you have them in your class, that time could turn out to be the most valuable thing you have to offer your students. When you see those positive social values begin to change lives in your young students you will get a unique form of pride because it was you that made it happen.

Free Work at Home Jobs

There are numerous free work at home jobs available through the internet. Data entry jobs, survey jobs, customer service, creative design, human resources and many more opportunities are there that allow you work at home conveniently and earn an income.

Work at home jobs cost absolutely no money to start. All you need is a computer with internet connection. You can apply online and enjoy the fun of working at home at your convenient timings and can earn great pay. These jobs are ideal for stay-at-home mothers, disabled people, and senior citizens and for those who need to take care of elderly or sick people at home.

Free work at home jobs allow you spend as much time as you wish. You can also select part time or full time jobs according to your convenience. Since there are numerous job opportunities, you can choose the job according to your ability and qualification. You can apply for the job and get training and scheduling for the job in online itself. Therefore you need not step out of home to get a job.

Here are some work at home job descriptions…

Online tutor is one among the best work at home jobs that does not require any initial amount to be spent. If you are an expert in advanced math or science or in some language then you can apply for this job and start working at your convenient timings and enjoy great pay. If you are willing to spend more time, then you can earn more money in this job.

Clerical and data entry work at home jobs require some experience and computer skill. Organization and communication skills may also be required. These types of jobs may require initial face to face training. These jobs provide options like part time and full time. You can also select day shift or night shift work according to your convenience.

Transcription work from home includes many types like legal transcription, medical transcription and so on. Experience and accurate knowledge about the work would be required. However this job helps you earn neat income.

Translation work at home jobs requires sound knowledge in some language and you may need to translate emails and documents from one language to another. If you have good command over any language, then you can apply for these types of jobs. Experience may not be required for these jobs.

Graphic design work at home jobs requires sound knowledge in the field and you may be required to do layout work, icon design and so on. Experience may be either optional or compulsory. You can select part time or full time option in this job.

Management work at home jobs allow you earn large amount of income. However, the job requires some qualifications and experience. You may be required to work for certain hours daily.

There are many work at home job opportunities available and you can select one that allows you work independently and conveniently while at the same time provide decent money.

What is Continuing Education?

Although many people may think of preparing for the GED as continuing education, technically it’s not. Continuing education means progressing with your educational career after you’ve either received your high school diploma or you’ve received an alternative GED certificate.

So what does continuing education include? Well, technical schools, college classes, and online classes to progress in your career are examples of forms of continuing education. These classes and programs are intended to help you continue your education after graduation.

Technical schools were created specifically to help adults progress beyond high school. These schools have programs that help learners master the skills and technological expertise they need to secure good jobs. Also known as vocational education, technical schools can train you for jobs such as an auto mechanic, a bookkeeper, or a cosmetologist.

Community colleges are a main source of continuing education classes. In addition to helping people work toward a degree, community colleges also offer programs such as nursing, respiratory therapy, and law enforcement. The community college environment is perfect for people who want to advance in their current job or move on to a better job.

Many college campuses offer evening and Saturday classes just to make learning convenient for adult students. They also have classes you can take online so that you will be able to make time for learning. Continuing education offerings at these campuses range from complete programs to individual courses that can help you master new skills. Your local community college is a wonderful place to look when you’re considering continuing education options.

Naturally four-year colleges also offer continuing education classes. You can earn a degree at these colleges or simply take additional classes to help you progress in your career. Many professionals find that returning to college to get either a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree can really boost their career.

In additional to classes for degrees, colleges offer specialized classes that can help you master certain skills. For
instance, you can take classes that will help you learn specialized computer programs. You also can learn new skills and talents, such as how to create multimedia presentations. More employers these days are encouraging their employees to explore continuing education options. The more skills and talents you possess, the better chance you have of landing and keeping a good job.

If you think you’re too busy to take continuing education classes, think again. These days your options are practically limitless. Not only can you find traditional classes, you can take online classes, use interactive DVD and online programs to take a class, and even take tele-classes by watching your television. These new delivery methods make it easy for practically everyone to find a class that is convenient.

To start your search for continuing education classes first analyze your goals. Do you want to get a degree? Learn the latest technology? Advance in your career? Decide what you want to accomplish and then research your options. The Internet contains a wealth of information about continuing education opportunities. With just a little effort you’re bound to find the right opportunity for you.

Falling Dream Interpretation

Dreams where you are falling are some of the most commonly reported dreams there are. Such dreams are one of the leading causes of sudden waking from a dream.

Let’s begin by dispensing with the myth that if you hit the ground in your dreams you will die. There are plenty of fully alive human beings who have reported hitting the ground during their dreams of falling. The fact that these people were around to report this situation is proof that this myth is merely that – a myth.

Dreams of falling are most often interpreted as an indication of unresolved fears, anxieties, instabilities and insecurities. The person who experiences recurrent dreams where he or she is falling may be feeling overwhelmed by and unable to control certain situations in his or her waking life.

For instance, the dreamer may feel that his or her home or work life is out of control, and that he or she is unable to remain on top of the situation. This kind of generalized anxiety can easily manifest itself in a dream where he or she is out of control, such as a falling dream.

Falling often represents a loss of control, or feelings of helplessness on the part of the dreamer. After all, when you fall, you have no control over your direction or your pace. This feeling of being out of control and falling often represents similar feelings in the dreamer’s waking life. Therefore, those who are troubled by such dreams should be encouraged to examine their life for the source of anxiety or fear and to confront the situation head on. Doing so often results in a lessening or even an elimination of dreams of falling.

Dreams of falling can also represent a sense of inferiority or a sense of failure in your personal or professional life. This fear could be a fear of failing in school, failing at your job, losing your social status, or failing in a relationship. People experiencing these situations are often troubled by dreams in which they are falling. These dreams of falling can represent a perceived failure to measure up to expectations or a fear of losing your status, losing an important person in your life, or just a generalized fear or failure.

The strict Freudian interpretation of a dream of falling was that such a dream indicated that the dreamer was contemplating giving into a sexual desire or sexual impulse.

Dreams of falling are most likely to take place during the first stage of sleep. That is because dreams at this stage are often accompanied by spasms of muscles in the arms, the legs or even the whole body. These sudden muscle contractions are known as a myclonic jerk. The dreaming mind can interpret these muscle spasms as falling and thus incorporate falling into the dream state. Often when dreamers experience this myclonic jerk, they awaken at feeling their body twitch. This fast reaction is part of the evolutionary mechanism that allows us to be awakened quickly in the presence of a threatening environment.

Those who do biblical and religious interpretations of dreams often see falling dreams as meaning that the dreamer is taking his or her cues from the world of man instead of turning to God for guidance and advice.

Ways of Selling Info Products Online

There are several different methods that you can follow when finding products to sell online:

1. You can develop (or have others develop for you) the info products you are going to sell.

2. You can purchase private label rights to products developed by others and modify them to sell as your own.

3. You can locate info products in the public domain (more on this later) and package them for resale.

4. You can locate info products already created by others and purchase resale or master resale.

5. You can locate info products created by other people and sell them through affiliate programs.

Actually, my preferred method combines several of these models. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves right now. When you are just starting out one of your biggest obstacles will be to stay focused. For this reason you will want to pick only one model and follow it as closely as possible, at least in the beginning. Later on you can try your hand at mixing up the methods to really maximize your profits!

One method of making money online is by publishing your own info products. Now, the way in which you accomplish this can be through items 1, 2 or 3 above. However, you can drastically change the profitability of your own info product by adding in components from item 4 or 5 above.

To create your own product you must first start with a topic. This should be the fun part of product creation. How do you choose a topic? That’s easy! First find a hungry group of buyers and then find a topic that either solves a problem they have or benefits them in some way.

Until you are certain that you have a HUNGRY group of buyers who HAVE MONEY and are interested in either solving a problem or who see a benefit in your product, don’t even consider moving forward with your info product.

Airbrush Art on T-Shirts

Putting airbrush art on T-shirts can be a fun and creative hobby. For those that want to take it a step further it can also be fun and exciting business. T-shirts containing airbrush art are popular and unique to wear. What makes airbrushed t-shirts so unique is that one of a kind images can be created giving the wearer a shirt that no one else has. Thus making for a pretty fun hobby or profitable business.

The great thing with airbrush art is that you really do not have to know how to draw. All you need to know how to do is successfully use the stencil that you wish to use for your design. The main key is learning how to control the airbrush gun so that you can get the paint only where you want it and not overcast the paint where you do not want it. Once you master that then your options are endless with the vast array of stencils out there.

A bottom feed or siphon feed airbrush works best when putting airbrush art onto a t-shirt. You should always stick with a name brand airbrush when airbrushing. You will save yourself money in the long run when using a name brand versus a generic airbrush.

When choosing an airbrush compressor keep in mind that putting airbrush art on t-shirts does require high pressure. The psi setting should be between 40 to 60. Make sure that your compressor is rated for the type of work you will be doing. In this case it will be airbrushing t-shirts. When airbrushing art onto t-shirts as a business then invest in a commercial air compressor. It will be worth it in the long run.

Most of the times you will need to heat set your paints so that they can be washed without fading or bleeding. There are a few ways that you can heat set your airbrush art onto the t-shirts so that it lasts. One way is allow the design to fully dry then place a cloth over it and iron the shirt with the cloth between the t-shirt and the iron. Always keep the iron moving though so that you do not burn the material. Another great way if you are doing this at home is to allow the design to dry then turn the shirt inside out and throw it into the dryer for about 40 to 45 minutes on the highest heat setting. After this your design will hold up when laundering.

If you use a paint that does not require heat setting then you should still set the design. A great way to do this with paints that do not require heat setting is to place the t-shirt by itself into a sink full of cold water that has salt mixed into it. The cold water and salt will help to keep the shirt when it is laundered from fading or bleeding.
Placing airbrush art onto t-shirts can be fun and exciting. But you are not limited to t-shirts. Get creative and airbrush designs onto cotton underwear for you significant other. Airbrush socks for your family. The possibilities with clothing and airbrush art are limitless.