Transcription work from home includes many types like legal transcription, medical transcription and so on. Experience and accurate knowledge about the work would be required. However this job helps you earn neat income.
Translation work at home jobs requires sound knowledge in some language and you may need to translate emails and documents from one language to another. If you have good command over any language, then you can apply for these types of jobs. Experience may not be required for these jobs.
Graphic design work at home jobs requires sound knowledge in the field and you may be required to do layout work, icon design and so on. Experience may be either optional or compulsory. You can select part time or full time option in this job.
Management work at home jobs allow you earn large amount of income. However, the job requires some qualifications and experience. You may be required to work for certain hours daily.
There are many work at home job opportunities available and you can select one that allows you work independently and conveniently while at the same time provide decent money.