Are you currently unsatisfied with your job? If you are, you may be interested in exploring your other options. To do so, many individuals make the decision to turn in their resignation or to quit. If you are interested in quitting your job you will want to continue reading on. A few tips on how to properly terminate your current position are outlined below.
The best thing that you can do when looking to quit your job, involves giving your employer as much notice as possible. Many employers expect to receive at least two weeks worth of notice from those who are interested in seeking employment elsewhere. If at all possible you may want to consider giving more than two weeks notice. Unless you have a new job lined up, you may want to offer to stay until a replacement is found or until you are able to secure a new job.
When turning in your resignation you will want to do so in a formal matter. At all costs you will want to avoid quitting over the phone or in an email. You will want to type up a proper notice on your computer and submit a printout to your employer in-person. In your resignation letter be sure to thank your employer for giving you the opportunity to work with them, and so forth.
You will want to be sure to not “burn any bridges,” when quitting your current job. This is extremely important as you need to remember that your actions have consequences, possibly for years to come. Make sure that you are pleasant at all times. You will want deal with your bosses, coworkers, and anyone else that you may come into contact with in a happy pleasant matter. You never know when you may come back into contact with them and this is important to take into consideration when packing up your workplace belongings.