Your intentions are another factor that you should take into consideration when trying to determine if you should ask your supervisor for a promotion. Are you interested in leaving the company in search of a better job, such as one that may offer better pay or better benefits? If you are interested in doing so you may want to consider asking for a promotion but in a pleasant matter. If you are looking for “greener pastures,” you may have nothing to lose by asking for a promotion. In fact, you may be surprised with the answer that you hear. Many employers will use promotions or higher pay to retain employees who they do not want removed from their team.
Of course, you don’t want to instigate workplace gossip but you may want to see if any other employees have asked for a promotion in the past. Did they see success or were they turned away? Speaking of which, were there any complications that arose from the asking of a promotion? This is important as it may give you an idea as to whether or not you should ask for a promotion. As a reminder, it is important to not take the approach of gossiping to get your information but you may just want to keep your eyes and ears open.
If you do decide that you would like to ask your supervisor for a promotion, you are advised to proceed with caution. Unless you have worked personally with your supervisors before, they may be unaware of your employment status or the tasks that you have completed. You will want to attempt to schedule a meeting with your supervisors. During this meeting you will want to try to sell yourself. Point out your accomplishments and mention how advancement has always been a goal of yours, and so forth.