1. Format – Always use the largest ads
2. Border – Match the same color as your background.
3. Link Color = “0000CC”
4. URL Color = “999999”
5. Text Color = “333333”
6. Position – Far left or center and just above the page fold (Top 25% of site)
Step 5 – Verify and track your site
Visit your site and make sure all links work and that the sites appear to your satisfaction. You should also check out the ads Google is displaying. Are they targeted to your primary high paying keyword? If not, recreate your site using your high paying keyword in a higher density throughout your site. Make sure you track your AdSense format, position, and traffic with a tracking system specifically designed for AdSense. Once you know your stats, you can adjust for maximum click-throughs and higher revenues.
Step 6 – Get your site listed in the search engines
This is simple… no tricks involved. Simply post links to your site.
I’ve simplified the process here but you are now armed with enough information and resources to make some serious money with AdSense.